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According to a study conducted at Standford University, those that are clinically diagnosed with depression are more at risk of developing sleep apnea compared to those that are not depressed.  The study showed that those with depression were five times more likely to be diagnosed with sleep apnea.  Researchers are still studying whether or not the depression or sleep apnea starts first, but either way, there is a strong correlation between the two.

The UCLA Sleep Center has also done a tremendous amount of research on sleep disorders and has found that depression may not be the reason for not sleeping well at night, but that depression symptoms may occur due to an underlying sleep disorder.  The most common sleep disorder is sleep apnea.  Sleep apnea causes the body to miss breathes during your sleep which prevents the flow of oxygen to the brain.

Sleep Apnea

To better understand how depression and sleep apnea are linked, it’s important to understand what sleep apnea is, what the noticeable symptoms are, and how it’s treated.

What Happens When You Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea Symptoms


Loud disruptive snoring

Disruptive snoring is typically noticed by your bed partner.  Extremely loud snoring is usually followed by a noticeable pause and then a huge gasp for air which may or may not wake you during the night.

Not breathing while asleep

This is typically noticed by your bed partner as well and is very scary for most people that witness it.  You can actually hear the pause in breathing and may wonder when the person is going to start breathing or snoring again.

Dry mouth

Many people with sleep apnea experience a dry mouth when they wake up in the morning or may even have one during the day.  Most people with sleep apnea are mouth breathers, so when the air is ingested through the mouth, it tends to dry out the mouth and throat and saliva is not produced as abundantly.

Sore throat

Waking up to a dry mouth or a sore throat are both normal symptoms of sleep apnea.  The flow of air continuously passing down the throat during your sleep tends to dry out the mouth and decrease saliva production.  This, in turn, dries out the throat and may become irritated or scratchy.

Waking up to choking or gasping for breathes

This is one of the most noticeable symptoms of sleep apnea and is usually witnessed by another bed partner.

Daytime drowsiness and lack of energy

Your body needs oxygen in order to survive and sleep apnea seriously decreases the flow of oxygen to the brain.  This is not only dangerous but impacts a good night’s sleep for your body.  When you are not well-rested, you tend to lack energy throughout the day.

Falling asleep while driving or working

This goes hand in hand with daytime drowsiness.  Many people endure long commutes to and from work and sleep apnea may put you at risk of falling asleep at the wheel during your commute.

Sleep Apnea Treatments

Oral Appliances

An oral appliance resembles a sports mouth guard or mouthpiece.  Its purpose is to hold the jaw in the optimal position in order to keep the airway open and clear, thus preventing snoring from occurring.  Oral appliances are effective at treating snoring, but only some are approved to treat sleep apnea.


There are several types of surgeries that can stop snoring and sleep apnea altogether.  These surgeries include the Pillar Procedure, a tracheostomy, maxillomandibular advancement, or a uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.  Depending on the surgery, some can be minimally invasive and can be done in a few simple outpatient visits.  Others require overnight stays and up to weeks or months of recovery time.

CPAP Therapy

CPAP Therapy is the most common treatment for sleep apnea.  CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure.  The CPAP machine has become widely used in the sleep disorder industry.  The machine itself constantly pumps oxygen through a hose and into a nose or face mask.  This positive flow of oxygen prohibits the body from pausing and missing a breath.  The machines have come a long way in recent years and are very quiet, small, and are easy to travel with.  Most insurance providers cover CPAP therapy.  You must consult with your doctor if you think you have sleep apnea so they can schedule a sleep study.  If you are officially diagnosed, the CPAP therapy will be the first recommended treatment for your sleep disorder.


Signs of Depression

  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Increased Sleep or Unable to sleep
  • Lack of energy
  • Guilty Feelings
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Unable to make decisions easily – indecisiveness
  • Feeling worthless
  • Reoccurring sad moods
  • Irritability

How to Treat Depression


There are several different types of antidepressants on the market that are used to treat depression.  The most common types of these medicines are known as SSRI’s which are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.  These medicines re-balance any chemical imbalance in the brain which is most likely the culprit of the depression.


Psychotherapy is a treatment option for those who do not want to be put on antidepressants for various reasons.  It involves talking through a series of topics that relate to your lifestyle, work, and personal life with a psychologist.  Psychotherapy is not for everyone, but it is an effective treatment for depression.

Holistic Treatments

There are other natural holistic treatments out there that can positively benefit someone that is depressed.  The most common forms of holistic treatments include regular exercise, yoga and natural breathing exercises, the use of essential oils, and changing your diet to one that is all natural, healthy, and balanced.

How Sleep Apnea and Depression May be Linked

Sleep apnea can be very disruptive if it’s gone untreated.  It may cause daytime drowsiness and can impact your family life.  All of these complications may just be a recipe for depression.  Sleep apnea and snoring can impact your daily routine and quality of life.  A good night’s rest makes you alert during the day, gives you more energy, helps to think clearer, and promotes good decision making.  If you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea, all of these positive impacts from not getting sleep can be turned upside down and may lead to depression without you even seeing the connection.

Linked Sleep Apnea and Depression Symptoms

  • Lack of Participation in Activities
  • Inability to sleep
  • Lack of energy and motivation
  • Irritability and mood wings
  • Daytime drowsiness

The above symptoms are found in both sleep apnea and depression.  It’s difficult to define which symptoms started with sleep apnea or with depression, but the point is that they do relate to each other and one disorder may link the other.

In conclusion, the similarities between sleep apnea, snoring, and depression is very similar.  It’s difficult for doctors to blame one causing the other, however, their symptoms correlate tremendously.  Consult your doctor if you think you suffer from sleep apnea or depression.  There are treatment options for both and you deserve a good night’s sleep and a healthy mind.



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According to a study conducted at Standford University, those that are clinically diagnosed with depression are more at risk of developing sleep apnea compared to those that are not depressed.  The study showed that those with depression were five times more likely to be diagnosed with sleep apnea.  Researchers are still studying whether or not […] Read more

Parkinson’s disease affects nearly 10 million people worldwide and 4 million of them suffer from snoring and sleep apnea.

What is Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that attacks neurons located in the brain.  The neurons release a chemical called dopamine which causes the brain to lose control of body movement and function.  The more dopamine is released, the more spastic the body movements become and cannot be controlled.

Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms

Noticeable signs of Parkinson’s include:

  • Serious Hand, Arm, and Leg Tremors

    • One of the most recognizable symptoms of Parkinson’s is tremors.  They occur in the hands, arms, legs, and even in the face.  They are uncontrollable by the patient and can become very burdensome and frustrating for the individual as the disease becomes more chronic.  Some patients are not aware of the tremors in the early stages of Parkinson’s.  The same is true for the later stages when they lose all feeling and control during the tremor movements.
  • Stiff Body Movement

    • Stiffness in the body can also occur.  Stiffness in the muscles is referred to as rigidity.   The muscles tighten and are not as flexible as they once were.  The stiffness may look like partial paralysis in certain limbs including the legs, arms, feet, and neck.
  • Slowness or Impaired Movement

    • Another symptom of Parkinson’s is slowness or impaired movement in the body and actions – commonly referred to as Bradykinesia.  Spontaneous and quick movements or impulses are typically eliminated or are seen on rare occasions.
  • Loss of Balance

    • Losing your balance is also a common symptom of Parkinson’s.  Typically many of these symptoms are occurring at the same time and it may be difficult to walk and keep your balance when you have leg and arm tremors happening alongside the tightening of your muscles.  Many patients use a wheelchair as their symptoms worsen over time.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome

    • Restless leg syndrome is usually a side effect that occurs at night.  Nighttime can be extremely difficult for those with Parkinson’s since medicine keeps them and their partner awake.  Restless legs can interrupt sleep and also prevent one from falling asleep.
  • Sleep Apnea and Snoring

    • Snoring is a side effect of sleep apnea, and apnea is present in at least forty percent of Parkinson’s patients.  Some antidepressants trigger sleep apnea which may be prescribed to patients.  Other airflow obstructions can also occur which limits the amount of oxygen to the brain, which is already stressed from the disease.

There currently is not a cure for this disease, however, it can be treated with a range of medicines and surgeries in order to manage the side effects as best as possible.

Parkinson’s & Sleep Apnea

One of the many side effects of Parkinson’s is interrupted sleep and nighttime disturbances.  Due to the tremors and limb stiffness, it is often difficult for those with Parkinson’s to fall asleep.  These interruptions can also wake you up if you are in the middle of a deep sleep.  Discomfort due to limb rigidity and tremor movements do not help the situation either.  Some medicines can also interrupt sleep and some patients end up getting their days and nights mixed up with certain prescription medicines.

According to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, over 40% of Parkinson’s Disease patients suffer from sleep apnea.  Many people with Parkinson’s are loud snorers as well, a symptom of sleep apnea.  Sleep apnea and snoring occur when there is an obstruction in the airway.  When air has to find another route around an obstruction, it passes down the throat near the sides of the pharynx next to the fatty mouth tissues.  These tissues start to vibrate as the air hits them and the vibration creates the loud sound of snoring.  Sleep apnea comes into play when your body actually pauses breathing or snoring, and the oxygen flowing into your body and brain become interrupted.  When this happens, you literally stop breathing.  When your body senses this stop, a signal from the brain is sent and you wake up (sometimes unknowingly) and start breathing again, usually with a deep gasp for air or extremely loud snore.  This type of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea or OSA.

Another type of sleep apnea is known as central sleep apnea.  Central sleep apnea (CSA) is also linked to Parkinson’s disease because unlike an obstruction in the airway in OSA, CSA results in a miscommunication from the brain.  The brain fails to signal the muscles in your respiratory system to breath, thus skipping a breath or multiple breaths.  This is more common in Parkinson’s patients since neurons in the brain are already malfunctioning and producing dopamine.  Scientists relate to sleep apnea with Parkinson’s due to these brain malfunctions, which is why the presence of sleep apnea is so common in the disease.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatments for Parkinson’s

There are several types of treatments and therapies out there specifically to treat snoring and sleep apnea.  Let’s look at a few options below.

Sleep Apnea Treatment for Parkinson’s Patients

The main treatment for sleep apnea not only for Parkinson’s patients but for the vast majority of sleep apnea sufferers is the use of a CPAP machine.  CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure and it is a therapy for treating obstructive sleep apnea.  The CPAP machine is a small lunchbox-sized machine that sits on your nightstand or next to your bed with a series of tubes connected to a face mask.  The person wears the face mask which is attached to a tube where oxygen is being pumped by the machine and into your nose.  The oxygen is pumped by a steady flow consistently throughout the night so that there is no breathing pattern interruption.

Work with your doctor to determine which type of sleep apnea you are experiencing.  Your doctor will administer a sleep study to better understand your sleeping patterns and the extent of the apnea.

Snoring Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

There are several snoring treatments available on the market.  Over the counter, products include nasal cones, nasal strips, nasal sprays, essential oils, and night guards.  Prescription based products including snoring mouthpieces and tongue stabilizing devices can also be quite effective.  Surgical procedures like the pillar procedure and a tonsillectomy are also other more invasive options.  It’s important to consult your doctor when deciding on the best snoring solution for you or a loved one with Parkinson’s disease.

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Parkinson’s disease affects nearly 10 million people worldwide and 4 million of them suffer from snoring and sleep apnea. What is Parkinson’s Disease Parkinson’s is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that attacks neurons located in the brain.  The neurons release a chemical called dopamine which causes the brain to lose control of body movement and function. […] Read more

Nasal cones and Mouthguards, What’s the Difference?

Nasal cones, vents, dilator, clips, no matter what you call them they all serve the same purpose which is to hold your nostrils open to maximize breathing for better sleeping and less snoring. Nasal cones are sold under a variety of names including WoodyKnows, P&J Health, NoseDoze, Turbine, Stanaway, Enshey, Snore Stopper, Mute, Sleep Well, MaxAir, as well several dozen other names. As for price, they can be purchased for as little as $3 and as much as $20.

What’s A Nasal Cone and How Do They Stop Snoring?

Nasal cones are typically made from a soft plastic or silicone material and are made in a number of different shapes. Some, such as Mute or WoodyKnows is a clip style that fit inside of the nose and is designed with rings that expand the nostril out and open. The advantage of the clip style is that it takes up very little room in the nostril which allows for a greater volume of air to flow unobstructed.

Then there are the basket style vents which are typically cylinder shaped or cone-shaped. These are usually larger in size in comparison to the clip style which can be counterproductive as they consume a bit of space within the nostril and restrict airflow. One advantage of this style of Nasal cone is that they are easy to find and relatively inexpensive.

The last type is not actually a clip or cone but rather a flexible strip that fits on the outside of the nose and dilates the nostrils by attaching to the outside of the nostril and actually pulling it open using a spring-like action. The most well-known brand of nasal strips is Breathe Right. Of the three types, nasal strips are the least obstructive because they fit on the outside of the nose and do not cause any resistance. The downside to using nasal strips to dilate the nostrils is that they are disposable and must be replaced every night. Also, attaching them to the face that is not completely free of oil and dirt, as a clean surface is necessary to ensure proper adhesion and functioning.

While there are several reasons why people choose to use nose dilators, the primary use is typical to clear up sinus congestion and prevent snoring by opening the nasal passages.

Seasonal allergy sufferers or those who are experiencing a cold will find relief with nose dilators, but what about those who are interested in using one of these products to prevent snoring? How can they help to prevent snoring?

Snoring often originates in one of two parts of the body, the nasal passage or more commonly, the airway. In some cases, snoring may occur in both the airway and nasal passage.

Nasal passages can become restricted for a number of reasons and when this occurs, snoring sometimes occurs as air is unable to travel without being slowed down. As air attempts to move around swollen air passages, nasal tissue can vibrate which results in the sound of snoring.

What’s A Snoring Mouthguard And How Do They Prevent Snoring?

Another popular snoring solution is often referred to as a snoring mouth guard or mouthpiece. Like Nasal cones, mouth guards are also sold by a number of manufacturers such as SleepTight, zQuiet, Good Morning Snore Solution, Zyppah, SnoreRx, PureSleep, and many others.  Unlike Nasal cones, mouth guards focus more on opening the airway rather than the nasal passages.

As for mouth guards, there are only two different types – those that hold the jaw forward and those that hold the tongue forward. Both types are equally effective, however, each has its own advantages as well as disadvantages.

Jaw-retaining mouth guards are the most popular type of mouth guard. They were originally only available from a dentist but several at-home versions have become available in recent years. This type is custom fitted inside of the mouth and sits sandwiched between the upper and lower teeth with the lower tray positioned slightly in front of the upper. While worn in place during sleep, it positions the jaw forward which relieves pressure that’s typically present in the airway. In turn, this helps to open the airway and free it of obstruction. The biggest advantage of the jaw-retaining style of mouthguard is that there are plenty to choose from and they are very effective. As for disadvantages, several are large in size which can make getting used to wearing one challenging.

The other type of mouth guard attaches to the tip of the tongue and works by holding the tongue out and forward while sleeping. This style of mouthguard is not as popular as the jaw-retaining style, although they are becoming increasingly popular.

By holding the tongue forward, the same group of muscles is targeted which reduces any pressure that’s exerted in the airway region, allowing for proper airflow. The advantage of the tongue retaining mouth guards is that a fitting is typically not required and they take up very little room within the mouth. As for disadvantages, tongue soreness may occur within the first few nights of use which typically clears up after a few nights.

Nasal Cones Vs Mouth guards – Which One Works Better?

Now that we have an understanding of what Nasal cones and mouth guards are and how they work, let’s get down to the million-dollar question which is ‘which product works better to stop snoring?’, the Nasal cone or mouth guard?

To answer this question with any level of certainty, you will need to know where your snoring originates from. Have you noticed that your snoring occurs only when you are congested such as when you are under the weather but lessens when your congestion clears up?  Are your nasal passages often inflamed and you are unable to breathe freely through your nose? If this is the case, you may be a nasal snorer and nasal cones may effectively reduce your snoring.

On the other hand, if you have always been a snorer and typically don’t experience issues with your sinuses, it’s likely that your snoring originates from the airway and a mouth guard will be helpful.

If you are unable to pinpoint the location of your snoring, a mouth guard will be your best bet as the vast majority of those who snore experience snoring from their airway.

In some cases, snoring can come from both the nose and airway. In this instance, you may want to try using a combination of both Nasal cones and a mouthpiece which will allow for the best chances of success.

Snoring can be a challenging nuisance to treat but by choosing the correct product for the needed application, you can avoid some of the expense and disappointment that many people experience when attempting to solve their snoring problem.

In addition to being a nuisance, snoring can also be an indicator of other health issues such as sleep apnea which is a more serious condition. If you have any doubts when it comes to your snoring, it’s always best to first speak with your doctor who can properly diagnose your condition and suggest a solution which may include either Nasal cones, a mouth guard or a combination of the two.

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Nasal cones and Mouthguards, What’s the Difference? Nasal cones, vents, dilator, clips, no matter what you call them they all serve the same purpose which is to hold your nostrils open to maximize breathing for better sleeping and less snoring. Nasal cones are sold under a variety of names including WoodyKnows, P&J Health, NoseDoze, Turbine, Stanaway, […] Read more

Snoring has become a recent epidemic in the United States in recent years and is causing many snorers as well as their sleeping partners to search for

remedies to treat and stop snoring – one of these snoring treatments is acupuncture.  Acupuncture is a holistic medical procedure that stimulates the body and nervous systems by targeting certain areas that cause snoring.  When these nerves are targeted, they stimulate and heal the body.

The History of Acupuncture

Acupuncture dates back nearly 3,000 years to Ancient China.  The Ancient Chinese medical practices were based on energy forces found in the universe in natural forms.  The energy consisted of two forces called yin and yang.  These forces were complete opposite forms of energy, but when balanced, the world and body were operating in harmony and at peace.


The energy found in yin and yang is called Qi (phonetically pronounced ‘Chee’).  Qi flows throughout the body and in nature and maintains the constant flow of the opposite forces yin and yang – making them balanced and controlled.  If the Qi ever gets blocked, it needs to be rerouted so the balance can be maintained – this is where acupuncture comes into play.  The Ancient Chinese medicine men believed that by performing acupuncture, the Qi would become unblocked, stimulating the body to function again and continue the flow of energy.


These ancient practices have been passed down through the generations and are still used today in the modern-day healthcare system to treat pain and stimulate the nervous, immune, and digestive systems.  Acupuncture has been proved to resolve pain, restore endocrine system functions, and treat snoring and sleep apnea.

What is Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a healing treatment that stimulates certain points of the body in order to promote self-healing, treat pain, and restore the bodies natural flow of Qi.  The actual process of the treatment involves an acupuncturist inserting sterile needles into the skin at specific acupoints.  Acupoints are precise points on the body that stimulate the nervous system which controls the function of specific areas of the body.  The needles are very thin and fine and most of the time cannot even be felt when they are placed in the skin.  Depending on your reason for acupuncture treatment, up to 100 needles may be placed into the skin in order to activate a certain system in the body.  Many times, heat, pressure or even an electric current may be used in addition to the placement of the needles in order to trigger system functions.  Acupuncture treatments may last up to one hour from start to finish.  Typically the needles remain in the skin for 20-30 minutes, but depending on the treatment, may stay in place for only 5 minutes.

Most people question whether or not the needles will cause bleeding upon insertion or removal.  The answer is no.  The needles are so thin and just barely break the skin, therefore there is no bleeding.  The sessions are usually painless as well.  Some patients do experience some bruising in certain areas of the punctures, but this may or may not happen to everyone.  Some people have very sensitive skin and bruise easily – so in that case, slight bruising may occur.

Each acupuncturist will discuss with you before the treatment a series of questions to make sure that the treatment is right for you.  You must remain calm and still throughout the entire treatment.  Most patients say they feel quite relaxed after the session is over as well.

Everyone reacts differently to their acupuncture treatments and may need more treatments than others based on their situation.  Short term, acute issues typically need 5 or fewer acupuncture treatments to relieve pain.  Long-term, terminal or chronic issues may result in weekly acupuncture visits.

Acupuncture Points to Stop Snoring

So how is acupuncture used to treat snoring?  Two of the main areas of the body that are responsible for snoring are the sinuses located in your nose and the fatty tissues that line your throat and pharynx.

Acupuncture Treatment Targeting the Sinuses to Stop Snoring

There are several acupoints in the body that can be targeted to relieve sinus pressure, one of the main causes of snoring.  These acupoints are just below the eyebrow where the bridge of your nose connects above the eye.  Other acupoints for targeting the sinuses are on either side of your nostril openings, and just down from there at the base of your cheeks.  These are the areas where the needles will be injected into the skin during treatment.  You can also gently massage these specific areas, known as acupressure, to treat your sinuses and stop or prevent snoring.

Acupuncture Point for the Throat to Stop Snoring

Another acupoint that will be targeted to stop snoring is the throat.  Excess phlegm and mucus buildup in the throat and near the fatty mouth tissues may be the underlying cause of your snoring.  The acupoint that targets these areas is at the top of the nose in between the eyebrows.  It’s referred to as GV24.5 (Governing Vessel 24.5).  This specific point is one of the most commonly triggered acupoints, as it targets snoring and helps sleep apnea.  Other ailments targeted by this acupoint include insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

This is also another acupoint that may be used alongside with acupressure by massaging the area on and off for several minutes.

Where to Get Acupuncture to Treat Snoring

It is a common practice for pain relief and is usually administered by chiropractors and holistic doctors.

Can you self-administer Acupuncture for snoring?

Yes, and no.  An acupuncturist is a licensed medical doctor that has been trained in acupuncture and can administer acupuncture sessions and treatments.  However, you can treat yourself to a certain extent by practicing acupressure.  Acupuncture and acupressure are very similar in that they target acupoints in the body to stimulate nerves and heal.  Acupuncture involves actually piercing through the skin to get to the acupoints, whereas acupressure involves gently massaging the acupoints to stimulate the nerves without the use of needles.  Anyone can perform acupressure, even by yourself and in the comfort of your own home.

Is Acupuncture for snoring covered by insurance?

Acupuncture has been recognized as a holistic treatment for many ailments and diseases and is covered by many insurance providers.  If your insurance does not cover acupuncture sessions, they will run anywhere from $100-$200/visit depending on where you are located.

If you are looking for a holistic approach to treat your snoring or your partner’s snoring, acupuncture may be the way to go.  It’s non-invasive, relatively inexpensive, and effective.  You should always speak with your doctor when making decisions regarding treating snoring or sleep apnea.  Make sure acupuncture is the correct approach for you before scheduling your first appointment.  Whichever snoring solution you choose, I wish you a peaceful and snore-free night’s sleep.

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Snoring has become a recent epidemic in the United States in recent years and is causing many snorers as well as their sleeping partners to search for remedies to treat and stop snoring – one of these snoring treatments is acupuncture.  Acupuncture is a holistic medical procedure that stimulates the body and nervous systems by […] Read more

Why Do I Wake Up With A Sore Throat?

Waking up with a sore throat may be a sign of snoring

It’s 6:00 am and you wake up with a sore throat. The first thought that comes to mind is that you may be coming down with a cold, but you don’t have time to deal with being sick. You have a very busy day at work, the kids have soccer practice after school and you have to spend the evening preparing for an important meeting tomorrow morning. Within the next couple hours, your sore throat simply disappears and everything returns to normal.

Does this scenario sound familiar? Each morning, millions of people wake up with a sore throat not knowing exactly what’s causing it. A sore throat in the morning is typically an indication that some type of throat irritation has occurred overnight. While there are several possibilities including Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), snoring is often the culprit.

How Snoring Can Cause A Morning Sore Throat

So, a sore throat that occurs only in the morning may be caused by snoring? How does this occur? There are actually a few explanations as to why snoring happens and how it causes a sore throat.

The first explanation is that for one reason or another, sinus passages become blocked. Common reasons for blocked sinus passages include seasonal allergies which cause inflammation, a sinus infection, nasal polyps, or a deviated septum. When this occurs, our bodies recognize that an alternative path for air to travel is needed. If the sinuses are clogged or obstructed, the mouth is called upon for back up. Throughout the night, the mouth hangs wide open and begins to dry out and become irritated. Air moving past a dry soft palate or uvula can cause this tissue within the airway to strike against each other, causing further irritation as well as the sound of snoring.

Another reason why snoring may be causing a sore throat is due to having poor muscle tone in the throat area. While asleep, the tongue and jaw both relax and fall backward, causing resistance within the airway. The effects are often compounded if a person consumes alcohol, smokes, or uses sedative prior to falling asleep which further relax the tongue and cause more of an obstruction. Furthermore, those who are overweight may find that extra fat around the neck causes further narrowing of the airway. Air that passes through a narrow airway will cause the tissues within the airway to collide. Those who snore due to an airway restriction sometimes sleep with their mouth open which causes the airway to dry out and become irritated.

Whether snoring is caused by obstructed sinuses or an obstructed airway, the end result is a dried out and irritated throat. The drier the airway becomes, the greater the intensity of snoring and morning sore throats become worse. It’s a vicious cycle that continues night after night.

5 Ways To Prevent A Sore Throat That Is Caused By Snoring

While snoring is often the cause of a morning sore throat, this is not always the case. Since every individual’s circumstances may differ, it’s critical that you schedule an appointment with your doctor who can further evaluate chronic morning sore throat as well as any other symptoms that you may be experiencing alongside a sore throat. It’s possible that a sore throat may be an indication of not only snoring but Obstructive Sleep Apnea which requires treatment from a physician. There are also a number of other conditions that may cause a morning sore throat such as acid reflux. Because several possibilities do exist, a professional medical examination should be conducted.

If after visiting your doctor they agree that simple snoring is causing your morning sore throats, there are several methods that can be used to reduce snoring and keep your airway moist throughout the night.

Stay Hydrated

One of the best ways to prevent your throat from drying out is to ensure that you are getting enough water each day. A surprising number of people spend their days dehydrated which can not only contribute to a dry mouth while asleep and ultimately snoring, but it can also cause numerous health problems. A lack of water causes the mucous membranes within your throat to dry out and become irritated.

Most of us live busy lives which makes staying hydrated a constant challenge. Make water a part of your daily routine by using these helpful tips.

Clear The Congestion

If snoring is being caused by sinus congestion, tackle the problem by clearing your sinuses. As mentioned, clogged sinuses cause mouth breathing and ultimately a dried throat, snoring, and a sore throat. Reduce the congestion and resume normal breathing through your mouth.

If seasonal allergies are causing congestion, consider using a nasal spray, decongestant or prescription drug to clear your sinuses. There are also other remedies such as the use of a vapor rub or perhaps run a dehumidifier. Also, consider the use of powerful essential oils such as eucalyptus.

Also, think about using a dehumidifier to help clear up congestion and lubricate the airway.

Nasal Strips or Nasal Cones

Nose cones can help to clear collapsed nasal passages

Another remedy that can assist with sinus congestion is the use of nasal strips or nasal cones. Nasal strips fit on the outside of the nose and attach to the skin. They essentially physically pull the nostrils open using the bridge of the nose for leverage which increases the volume of airflow. Nasal strips can only be used once, so a monthly supply of disposables may be necessary.  Similarly, nasal dilators or nose cones achieve the same results but are placed inside of the nose to help open up the nostrils. Unlike nasal strips, dilators or cones can be used several times as long as good hygiene is practiced.

Try A Chinstrap

Chinstraps, often referred to as snoring chinstraps, can be a helpful tool that one can use to combat open mouth snoring. If your sore throat is being caused because your mouth hangs open at night, you may want to consider using a chinstrap. It is very important to mention that a chinstrap should only be used if your sinuses are free of obstruction. If your sinuses are clogged, you will need to allow your mouth to remain open throughout the night to ensure proper breathing so a chinstrap cannot be used.

A chinstrap is typically made from a neoprene material and wraps around the head and jaw to help hold the mouth closed while asleep.

Snoring Mouthpiece

Mouthpieces are a highly effective anti snoring tool

Snoring that originates within the airway, causing a morning dry throat in the morning can often be resolved using a snoring mouthpiece.

Snoring mouthpieces are one of my favorite anti-snoring products simply because they are easy to use and extremely effective. They fit inside of the mouth and hold the jaw and tongue forward which prevents restriction within the airway. Many mouthpieces come with holes at the front which allow some air to enter, so if you are a mouth breather this should not be an issue.

There are several different products on the market, so deciding which one to choose can become a chore. I put together a ranked list of mouthpieces base on personal experience which should help to make the decision easier.

A Summary Of Thoughts On Sore Throats Caused By Snoring

There are several possibilities as to why you may wake up with a sore throat in the morning, snoring being very likely. Before assuming that dry mouth and snoring is the cause of a morning sore throat, first speak with your doctor who can make this determination. If they determine that snoring is the cause, there are several remedies such as hydration, decongestants, nasal dilators, chinstraps or a mouthpiece that can help to prevent snoring and ensure that you wake up a sore throat free.


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Why Do I Wake Up With A Sore Throat? It’s 6:00 am and you wake up with a sore throat. The first thought that comes to mind is that you may be coming down with a cold, but you don’t have time to deal with being sick. You have a very busy day at work, […] Read more

All About Stop Snoring Pills

In western medicine, we have a pill for nearly every ailment, so it’s quite common for people to seek a pill or tablet for one of the most common issues faced in the American household – snoring.

With no shortage of demand for such a product, several companies have stepped up to the plate and seized the opportunity to provide a snoring solution that comes in a pill form. The claim is that popping a pill or two before bed will allow you and your partner to enjoy a quiet night of sleep without the sound of snoring. Do stop snoring pills really work or are they simply another snake oil? We will closely examine stop snoring pills and offer our recommendation on the use of them.

What Exactly Are Stop Snoring Pills?

Anti-snoring pills have been sold under various names such as Snorestop, Snoring Shush, and Snorez. Most products claim to be a homeopathic snoring solution that is safe to use and recommended by pharmacist and doctors. Some even claim to have published medical research proving their effectiveness although we were unable to locate any such research.

What exactly do snoring pills contain that stops snoring? While some manufacturers list their ingredients others give little to no information and state that the ingredients are “proprietary”.

The majority of pills and tablets contain herbal ingredients that are mixed together in somewhat of a bizarre fashion. Examples of ingredients often found in snoring pills are Belladonna, Ephedra Vulgaris, Histaminum Hydrochloricum, Hydrastis, Magnesium Stearate, Gambir, and Cassia. Some ingredients such as Belladonna can be toxic at certain levels, although they are commonly diluted enough for homeopathy use.

Anti-snoring pills are typically inexpensive, ranging in price from $10-$20 for a 30 day supply.

How Do They Work?

How exactly does a stop snoring pill work? There are usually one of two different claims that are commonly offered by manufacturers who sell such products.

In some cases, snoring is caused by inflamed nasal passages and airway. With inflammation, breathing is often restricted which can actually cause the sound of snoring. This occurs when air tries to make it’s way through a narrow opening, causing the surrounding airway tissue to collide with each other. Some of the herbal ingredients that are often listed are known to help reduce inflammation. By eliminating inflammation, the airway opens up and the sound of snoring ceases.

Other products claim to work by reducing the amount of mucus in the airway and nasal passages. The reason why this approach may work is that mucus, especially mucus that is excessive and thick, within the airway but may actually cause airway tissue to stick together.

Do Snoring Pills Actually Work?

How far fetched are these claims? Can an herbal blend that reduces inflammation and keeps mucus at bay really help to reduce or eliminate snoring? The answer is yes, it’s possible but it is unlikely to work for most people. The reason being is that while reducing inflammation and mucous does help with snoring, snoring pills are unable to confront the most common area in which snoring occurs.

In the majority of cases, snoring is caused when breathing becomes restricted due to a partially collapsed airway which restricts airflow. There are a number of reasons why the airway becomes collapsed although age and excessive weight are often to blame. As we age, the muscles within our airway lose tone especially while asleep. Being overweight, especially in the neck area, will place additional strain on the airway. Being older and overweight place you at high risk for snoring.

While snoring pills can reduce airway inflammation, such herbal remedies are unable to open an airway that’s essentially pinched off due to a relaxed jaw and tongue. The area of restriction is evident when you look at the illustration below which shows the area in which snoring typically originates.

Alternatives To Snoring Pills

Correcting a snoring problem begins by addressing the problematic area in which snoring typically develops. The Mandibular Advancement Device or Snoring Mouthpieces does just that.

Snoring Mouthpieces are typically made from a thermoplastic material and resemble mouthpieces that are often worn by athletes. While they may appear similar in nature, they are quite different when it comes to design.

A sports mouthguard simply acts as a buffer between teeth to prevent teeth injury during contact sports. A mouthguard that is specifically designed to prevent snoring is made to hold the jaw slightly forward which opens the airway and prevents resistance. With the muscles in this area tight, the airway becomes unrestricted and lose tissues do not flap against each other.  No restriction. No Flapping. No Snoring.

There’s a similar product called a tongue retaining device which actually holds the tongue forward and performs the same function. Both products have lots of medical research confirming their effectiveness.

Just how effective are they? Most studies that have been conducted suggest that snoring mouthpieces at least 75% or greater in effectiveness, making it the most effective snoring solution currently available.

Alternatively, if you are overweight, the most natural way to prevent snoring is to lose some weight. Fat that is stored in the neck area places strain against an airway that is already weakened by age. Those who are overweight typically experience a desirable decrease in snoring by losing as little as 10% of their body weight. In addition to helping with a snoring problem, weight loss may also help to reduce blood pressure as well as lower your risk for diabetes and heart disease. Weight loss should be the ultimate goal but snoring aids can be a helpful way to control snoring in the meantime.

Should I Try Stop Snoring Pills?

Looking at the low cost and ease of use offered by snoring pills, it’s very enticing to give them a try but is it they worth trying?

The use of snoring pills may reduce sinus symptoms such as excessive mucus buildup and some inflammation which can, in fact, contribute to snoring. Unfortunately, sinus congestion is one of the least likely contributors to snoring. Simply stated, anti-snoring pills are unlikely to resolve a snoring problem.

Unless you are able to locate a manufacturer who offers a money back guarantee, I recommend skipping over snoring pills and choosing a snoring mouthpiece which has been clinically proven to work. I’ve tested several different mouthpieces and can attest that they do in fact work. This site will help you choose a mouthpiece that will be a good fit. When choosing a mouthpiece, an important consideration should be whether or not you are a mouth breather. Those who are able to breathe freely through their nose may want to consider a TSD while all others will be better off going with a MAD.

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All About Stop Snoring Pills In western medicine, we have a pill for nearly every ailment, so it’s quite common for people to seek a pill or tablet for one of the most common issues faced in the American household – snoring. With no shortage of demand for such a product, several companies have stepped […] Read more

What is Diabetes?

For years, most of us have believed that the disturbing sound of snoring is simply a bedroom nuisance that’s jokingly dismissed. Today, numerous medical studies have shown a link between snoring and a number of serious medical conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and even diabetes mellitus.

It’s estimated that there are more than 29 million Americans who are living with diabetes and as many as 25% are unaware of their condition. This equates to nearly one in ten people in the US having diabetes. Even more alarming, an estimated 86 million adults over the age of 20 are prediabetic, meaning that they have elevated levels of sugar and are not yet diabetic but very likely to become diabetic.

Diabetes occurs when there is an excess of sugar in the blood which is caused by the body not producing enough insulin. When you eat, your body converts foods to sugars which are used for energy. In order to process this sugar, your pancreas releases insulin which acts as a key to unlock cells which allow the sugar to enter. If your body does not produce enough insulin, the amount of glucose entering the cells will be impaired and elevated levels of sugar will appear.

There are two type of diabetes – type 1 and type 2. Type 2 diabetes is the most common and is usually onset around the age of 35 or later, although it’s becoming more common in younger adults and even children. With type 2 diabetes, your body produces insulin but not enough, resulting in elevated blood glucose levels. Most people with type 2 diabetes are overweight and not physically active. Type 2 diabetes can often be successfully treated by changing eating habits and increasing exercise, resulting in weight loss which reduces insulin resistance and puts less of a strain on the pancreas.

Aside from adopting a healthier lifestyle, type 2 diabetes may also be treated with medication and in extreme cases, insulin injections may be necessary.

Type 1 diabetes is not nearly as common as type 2 yet is a more serious form of diabetes. This type of diabetes is often referred to as “juvenile” diabetes because it’s typically discovered at a very young age although it can occur later in life. Type 1 diabetes is considered an autoimmune disease because the body attacks the pancreas as it tries to produce insulin. Unfortunately, there is not a lot known about why this occurs.

Since type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, changing one’s diet and exercise habits alone usually does not resolve the issue. Daily insulin injections are often necessary. The amount of insulin needed will depend on diet and exercise levels as well as stress and emotional health.

What is Snoring?

Most of us are quite familiar with the sound of snoring but what many of us don’t know is exactly what snoring is and where the sound of snoring originates from.

While there are several areas in which snoring may occur, the most common area is in the airway. While awake, our soft palate and uvula are rigid and don’t move around much. While asleep, the uvula, soft palate and other muscles surrounding the airway relax and become floppy. The loss of tone becomes more common as we age and put on extra weight. The airway can become even more relaxed if alcohol or sedatives are consumed prior to going to bed. Those who sleep on their backs increase the likelihood of snoring as gravity causes fat in the neck area to place further pressure on the airway. As a result of one or a combination of all these factors, the airway becomes restricted.

Imagine air traveling past a restricted airway. When this occurs, these tissues begin to vibrate and flap against each other. The flapping and vibrations that are produced create the sound of snoring. The snoring sound typically originates in the most narrow part of the airway, just below the tongue.

How Diabetes and Snoring Are Related

You may be wondering how two completely unique conditions, which on the surface appear to be unrelated, have anything to do with each other.  Is it possible that snoring causes diabetes or perhaps diabetes causes snoring? Interestingly enough, recent medical research has found at least a couple links between these two conditions. In one recent study conducted by the American Journal of Epidemiology, it was found that regular snorers were twice as likely to develop diabetes while even occasional snorers were nearly 50% more likely to end up with diabetes. Exactly how are these two conditions related?

Heavy snoring can affect your quality of sleep, this is especially true if you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a condition that is strongly related to snoring and is characterized by pauses in breathing throughout the night.

Even snoring by itself can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep and may even prevent your bed partner from getting quality sleep. One of the issues with not getting enough quality sleep is that you spend the day tired and often rely on unhealthy food to keep you going throughout the day. It’s been suggested that those who snore often eat twice as much food as non-snorers.  Caffeine, whether in the form of coffee, soft drinks, or energy drinks, typically contains sugar and lots of it. In addition to caffeine and other stimulants, many turn to sugary processed foods to receive a burst of energy. Both sugary drinks and sugary foods place a strain on the pancreas as it tries to keep up with producing enough insulin to process all of the sugar. In addition, those who consume junk food throughout the day often tend to carry extra weight. Add stress to the equation and you have a recipe for type 2 diabetes.

A more scientific explanation has to do with insulin resistance caused by the release of cortisol and catecholamine while asleep.

As discussed, snoring is the result of loose tissue flapping around a restricted airway. When breathing is restricted during sleep, blood oxygen levels are often reduced and the body will release the stress hormone cortisol and catecholamine which increases blood sugar levels. Over time, the constant release of cortisol will cause insulin resistance which will ultimately cause type two diabetes.

What Can I Do To Help?

To prevent snoring related diabetes, start with changing diet and exercise.

If the idea of diabetes caused by snoring is a concern, as a snorer, you will be glad to know that there’s something that you can do to prevent your snoring from causing type 2 diabetes.

First, you will need to determine if your snoring is related to OSA which is a more serious related condition that should be treated by a physician, often requiring the use of CPAP therapy or the use of an oral appliance.

If you exhibit any signs of Sleep Apnea such as daytime tiredness, breathing pauses during sleep, morning headaches, difficulty concentrating, or falling asleep during inappropriate times such as during work or while driving in the car, you will want to speak with your doctor who can determine if further testing is warranted.

Reducing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes is often easily accomplished by eating healthier foods and getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day. If you need to lose weight rapidly, consider increasing the intensity and number of minutes that you work out.

While increasing physical activity is a great place to start, you will also need to make adjustments to your diet, especially if you are overweight. Reduce and gradually eliminate sugary drinks, processed foods, foods high in fat, carbohydrates (especially enriched bread), foods with preservatives, and reduce the number of calories consumed each day.

In addition, you may want to consider using a snoring mouthpiece. These small devices fit inside of the mouth and help to prevent airway resistance. You can read more about snoring mouthpieces here.

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What is Diabetes? For years, most of us have believed that the disturbing sound of snoring is simply a bedroom nuisance that’s jokingly dismissed. Today, numerous medical studies have shown a link between snoring and a number of serious medical conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and even diabetes […] Read more

Which One Works Better – Snoring Mouthpiece or Chinstrap?

There’s a debate among snorers who are unable to decide whether to choose a snoring mouthguard or chinstrap. Both products have received a bit of attention in recent years but are both equally effective at treating snoring? We are going to examine each and help you decide which product may be best for your particular situation. Let’s begin this discussion by investigating exactly what each solution is and the pros and cons of each product.

Pro And Cons of Snoring Chinstrap

The snoring chinstrap is elastic in nature and is usually made from a neoprene material. It works by holding the jaw closed and in place. Most chinstraps have a velcro fastening system that allows for easy installation and removal. This type of chinstrap wraps around the chin and fastens at the crown. Others are created by using a one piece loop design that does not require fastening, which can make installation of the chinstrap a challenge in some cases. Some are tailored to closely fit the shape of the head while others are simply a round band that stretches around the head and is held in place by force.  Snoring chinstraps vary widely in price from as little as $10 up to $100 with the average cost being somewhere around $25. One product, called “My Snore Solution” retails for over an incredible $120!

When choosing a chinstrap, keep all of these mentioned characteristics in mind. Phillips Respironics makes a fairly good chinstrap that fastens together and is tailored to closely fit the shape of the head. This particular chinstrap retails for around $30. Several other manufacturers offer their own variation of the chinstrap.

As for pros, the chinstrap can be an inexpensive and effective snoring solution for open mouth snorers. This type of snorer will only snore with their mouth open. Breathing through the mouth can cause the tonsils and uvula to rub against each other which crates snoring sounds. While this type of snoring does sometimes occur, it’s actually not very common.

The snoring chinstrap does have a few disadvantages. First, it doesn’t directly address the most common source of snoring, which originates in the airway. Keeping the mouth closed may lessen the sound of snoring, but if snoring is originating from the airway, it will still exist. In addition, there is very little medical research proving the effectiveness of the snoring chin strap. While some online reviewers claim to have experienced good results with a chinstrap, it’s effectiveness if difficult to prove without medical science backing it.

Pros And Cons of A Snoring Mouthpiece

The airway is often the source of snoring

Snoring mouthpieces, known in the medical industry as Mandibular Advancement Splints or Devices have been used to treat snoring and sleep apnea since the early 1980’s when it was discovered that by moving the jaw forward and holding it in place, snoring and in some cases sleep apnea will cease. The snoring mouthpiece is a very effective means of controlling snoring in those who snore due to a narrowed or partially obstructed airway. By holding the jaw forward, the muscles surrounding the jaw and around the airway are stretched, resulting in the opening of the airway. With these muscles stretched tight, tissues surround the airway are unable to collide with each other and the sound of snoring ceases.

There are several companies who manufacture snoring mouthpieces. Some of the more simple mouthpieces cost as little as $40 while those custom made in a laboratory and prescribed by a dentist can cost several thousand dollars. The more expensive professionally fitted mouthpiece is typically reserved for those with mild to moderate sleep apnea and is used under the supervision of a physician. For the purpose of simple snoring, mouthpieces ordered online typically cost less than $100.

When choosing a mouthpiece, there are a few items to consider. First, if you are a mouth breather, air holes are necessary. Even those who are not mouth breathers can benefit from having a mouthpiece with large air holes. Another consideration should be whether or not the mouthpiece is adjustable. Some allow you to make adjustments while others only allow one chance to create a good impression of your teeth.

Mouthpieces used for the purpose of snoring are usually made from a thermoplastic material which becomes pliable when heated in water that is typically at boiling temperature or lower. Once heated, it’s placed into the mouth and the jaw is moved out while biting down simultaneously. This position is held for up to a minute before removing and placing into cold water to permanently retain the mouthpieces shape. A good quality mouthpiece that is properly fitted will create a detailed impression of your teeth once removed.

As for pros, the snoring mouthpiece has been extensively studied and proven to work in over 75% of those with a snoring problem or sleep apnea. The reason why mouthpieces are so effective is that they tackle the problem where it originates which is typically within the airway.

As for cons of using a mouthpiece, they can take several days to become accustomed to wearing one which may result in discontinued use prior to achieving the desired result of stopping snoring.

Which Anti-Snoring Product Works Better?

While there are advantages and disadvantages of both the snoring chinstrap and mouthpiece, is one better than the other? The answer greatly depends on the source of your snoring. If snoring originates from the airway, a mouthpiece is always going to be the better choice. If your snoring is the result of your mouth hanging open, a chinstrap can be an effective solution.

If you are unsure of where your snoring is coming from, try this test. Open your mouth and recreate the sound of snoring. Now, close your mouth and continue with the sound. If snoring stops or becomes difficult with your mouth closed, you may be an open mouth snorer and a chinstrap may be effective.

To see if your snoring originates from the airway, stick out your tongue and hold it between your teeth while creating the sound of snoring. Now, release your tongue and continue making the sound of snoring. Was it more difficult to create the snoring sound with your tongue out? If so, there is a good chance that your snoring originates from your airway.

While it’s difficult to say which anti-snoring product works better, in most cases the snoring mouthpiece is going to be more effective than a chinstrap simply because it addresses the most common area where snoring originates.

Other Considerations To Help With A Snoring Problem

While both the chinstrap and mouthpiece can help your snoring, there a few things to consider when it comes to solving a snoring problem.

The first thing to consider is other issues that may be causing your snoring. In some cases, alcohol or sedative use will relax the airway and cause tissue to vibrate excessively. For this reason, you should first consider limiting alcohol use 4 hours prior to bed.

Another consideration may be your weight. If you are carrying around extra weight, especially in the neck area, you may want to consider losing a few pounds as this can help a snoring problem tremendously as excessive weigh restricts airflow. Losing as little as 10-20 lbs can have an impact on your snoring.

Finally, it’s possible that you are a positional snorer, meaning that you only snore while laying on your back. Before investing any money in a chinstrap or mouthpiece, try sleeping on your side and see if this helps with snoring. It’s estimated that nearly half of all snorers are positional snorers so changing your sleep position may be all that it takes. If you are experiencing difficulty staying on your side, try placing several pillows behind your back to prevent rollover throughout the night.

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Which One Works Better – Snoring Mouthpiece or Chinstrap? There’s a debate among snorers who are unable to decide whether to choose a snoring mouthguard or chinstrap. Both products have received a bit of attention in recent years but are both equally effective at treating snoring? We are going to examine each and help you […] Read more

Snoring impacts more than half of the population and may actually be caused by what you eat.
They say you are what you eat, right? Well, what if you snore because of what you eat? There are many foods that are a part of our daily diet that may be the underlying cause of your snoring. Many foods that are considered healthy and nutritionally beneficial may also have properties that can trigger or activate snoring. Let’s examine some foods that cause snoring as well as foods that prevent snoring.

Foods That Cause Snoring


Drinking milk before bed, or any time of day for that matter may just be the underlying root of your snoring problem.  Many people have trouble digesting cow’s milk or any other product derived from milk.  Dairy products in general noticeably produce mucous in the throat that may form a lining down the airway which causes the blockage of airflow.  This obstruction in the airway causes our tissues to vibrate as air tries to pass by and creates the sound of snoring.  An excessive buildup of mucous can play a huge role in causing you or your partner to snore.  Dairy products that include milk, cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and heavy cream all leave a residual layer of mucous behind after swallowing.  The mucus can become thick enough, depending on how much dairy you are eating, and what specific kind of dairy, and can be the culprit of your snoring.  The mucus can also form in your nose and sinuses and block the flow of air through your nose at nighttime, which can also cause snoring.

Try steering away from eating ice cream, cheese, or other dairy products at night, especially right before bed.  If you experience seriously loud snoring, try experimenting by eliminating all dairy from your diet for just one week.  You may be surprised to see that your snoring may disappear completely.  If you do decide to stop eating dairy, pay attention to processed food ingredients because milk can be disguised in powder form and is included in many boxed bread mixes, dry mixes, and prepared food.

Milk not only produces phlegm and mucous buildup in the throat, but it can also cause inflammation in our bodies, especially in the mouth and throat where it is ingested and digested.  Inflammation is another cause of snoring, as it inflames the throat tissues and physically obstructs the flow of air.

Red Meat

Red meat is known to be loaded with unhealthy saturated fat.  Saturated fat causes inflammation of the muscles in our body and can cause the nose and throat to be inflamed as well.  When the nasal passage and airway become inflamed, the flow of air is blocked.  An obstruction or blockage of air always results in snoring.

If you are faced with eating a late night meal, try to steer away from eating red meat late at night.  You can try replacing the red meat with a leaner choice of fish.  Some fish are also fatty but contain fatty acids which reduce inflammation instead of saturated fats that cause inflammation.




Believe it or not, vegetarians should stay away from soy right before bed, as it’s one of the most mucus producing ingredients out there.  You don’t have to be a vegetarian to eat soy either – soy is used in almost every processed food that you eat.  Soy has become a staple “filler” ingredient since it can be manipulated in many ways and is basically tasteless.  Staying away from soy can be hard because it really is in everything, but if you can avoid it right before bedtime it will be most beneficial to you and your bed partner and curb snoring.


Tea, coffee, soft drinks, and energy drinks all stimulate snoring, and they can keep you up at night.  Most consumers think that tea is caffeine-free, but it’s not.  It doesn’t have as much caffeine as coffee, but it’s still a stimulant.  Caffeine is known as an anti-sleeping aid and causes inflammation in your body.  As described earlier, when your throat and mouth tissues become inflamed, they obstruct the flow of air which leads to snoring.  It’s best to avoid caffeinated products, especially right before bed.  If you can go without caffeine after 4 PM, you may be surprised to hear that your snoring can subside.

What to Eat Before Bed that Prevents Snoring

A good rule of thumb is to not eat at all before going to bed.  If you give yourself a solid 2-3 hours of not eating before bedtime, you should be able to get a good night of sleep, without the snoring.  Just remember that food is not the only cause of snoring.  There may be another issue that is causing your snoring like sleep apnea or another serious sleep disorder.

Hot Tea – Decaffeinated

Hot tea has many health benefits and may reduce snoring.  However, most teas have caffeine, contrary to popular belief.  Even green tea has caffeine, however, it’s much lower when compared to black tea or other teas.  Pick up some decaf tea at your next stop at the grocery store or look into other herbal teas that are low-caffeine or caffeine-free.

Hot Tea with Lemon

Hot tea (remember – decaf!) is good at night, especially with lemon.  Lemon is a natural decongestant and can unclog your nasal passageway and your sinuses.

Hot Tea with Honey

Hot decaf tea with honey is also a good option to drink in the evening or before bedtime.  Honey is an anti-inflammatory and may reduce swelling in the throat.  Did you know that professional vocalists and opera singers take regular doses of honey to open their airway and accentuate their vocal chords?

Hot Water

If you are not a tea drinker, but would still like something warm at night before bed, try microwaving a mug full of plain water.  Hot water removes phlegm that may block the airway and can prevent snoring.


Although onions do not sound amazingly appetizing right before bedtime, onions contain healthy antioxidants that reduce inflammation in the body.  Onions also target mucous and phlegm built up in your sinuses and help to prevent and stop snoring.  You can include onions while cooking your dinner, or create your own onion elixir as a nightcap.

In conclusion, there are several foods you can avoid before bedtime to help alleviate or prevent your snoring.  Although they are not all full-proof, it’s best to not eat at all 2-3 hours before bedtime, especially right before you go to bed.

If your snoring persists even after holding off on certain foods, you should speak with your doctor regarding any other serious concerns that may be causing your snoring.  Your doctor or medical professional can diagnose and treat any type of snoring disorder, including sleep apnea.



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Snoring impacts more than half of the population and may actually be caused by what you eat. They say you are what you eat, right? Well, what if you snore because of what you eat? There are many foods that are a part of our daily diet that may be the underlying cause of your […] Read more

Where Does Snoring Originate From?

In a sea of anti-snoring products, it’s often difficult to make a decision when all companies promise to put an end to your snoring. There are literally hundreds of product to choose from including nose cones, chin straps, mouthpieces, special pillows, and nasal strips to name a few. How does one go about choosing the best product to put an end to their snoring?  Each product is unique and performs the function of preventing snoring in a different fashion.  There’s no one-size-fits-all snoring solution, meaning that one product may work for some but not all. The key to choosing the right product is to first determine the type of snorer you are.

Which Type of Snorer Am I?

Snoring typically originates from one of two areas – within the airway, just behind the tongue or in the nasal area. Snoring most commonly originates from the airway. Knowing which type of snorer you are will be helpful when making a product selection.

There are a couple simple tests that you can perform in the privacy of your home which will help you to make this determination. Give these a try:

Open Mouth Snorer

  • With your mouth open, replicate the sound of snoring
  • Close your mouth and perform this test once again
  • If there is a noticeable difference between the two, you may be an open mouth snorer

Nasal Snorer 

  • Stand in front of the mirror
  • With your mouth closed, push in on one nostril to close it off
  • Release your finger and watch to see if your nostril opens and returns to its normal position
  • Repeat this process for the other nostril
  • If either nostril remains closed after removing your finger, it’s possible that you are a nasal snorer

Airway Snorer 

  • Stick out your tongue and hold it in place with your teeth or fingers
  • Try to generate the sound of snoring
  • Release your tongue and try once again to create the snoring sound.
  • If you noticed that it’s more difficult to recreate the sound of snoring with your tongue out, your snoring may originate from the airway

The Solution

Of the three types, airway snorers are usually the most common. The reason why snoring originates in the airway is that while asleep, the airway often becomes narrowed as our tongue relaxes and falls to the back of the throat. When this occurs, it creates resistance and as air moves past and it, this causes loose tissue in the airway to vibrate and generates the sound of snoring.

While there are several possibilities of why this occurs, being overweight and age are two common factors that influence snoring in this area. Extra fat, particularly in the airway region, places pressure on the airway which causes resistance. For this reason, simply losing a few pounds can help to reduce or eliminate snoring.   As we age, the tongue muscle and muscles within the airway become less tone and are more likely to fall backward and create resistance. While we can’t turn back the hands of time, a mandibular advancement device (snoring mouthpiece) or Tongue Stabilization Device (TSD) can help. A snoring mouthpiece helps by holding the jaw forward which tightens the airway and prevents snoring.

Open mouth snorers are less common in comparison to airway snorers. The sound of snoring is generated when a person breathes through their mouth instead of through their nose. As air moves in and out of the mouth, it causes the uvula, tonsil and other airway tissues to collide with each other and creates the snoring sound. In this case, the solution may be to encourage nasal breathing by using snoring chinstrap, mouthpiece, or a combination of the two which can be highly effective.

Nasal snorers make up the least number of snorers. This occurs when the nasal passages become blocked, often by nostrils that collapse while sleeping. There are other possibilities that may cause nasal snoring such as a deviated septum or nasal polyps which require a visit to your physician. Other times nasal snoring occurs due to a cold or allergies.

When performing these three tests, you may have noticed that you were able to generate the sound of snoring in all three instances. It’s possible that your snoring originates from multiple locations. In this case, you may want to start with one product such as nasal strips and then try a mouthpiece if your snoring doesn’t diminish. You may find that using a combination of products such as a mouthpiece and chinstrap or nasal strips and mouthpiece provide the best performance.

Chinstrap vs. Mouthpiece

Chinstraps work well to help keep the mouth closed while asleep. They can also be used alongside a mouthpiece to prevent it from falling out at night. When used by their self to hold the jaw forward in order clear the airway, some have reported good results although using it for this purpose is usually not ideal. In the battle between the chinstrap and mouthpiece, the mouthpiece is usually the better choice as it tends to perform well for both open mouth snorers and airway snorers.

Chinstrap vs. Nasal Strips

In the battle between the chinstrap and nasal strips, there is no clear winner as each product targets a different type of snorer. When deciding between these two, refer to the tests above to determine which type of snorer you are. If a nasal snorer, nasal strips or nasal cones are going to be the ideal product to choose. All others may want to choose either a chinstrap or mouthpiece.

Mouthpiece vs Nasal Strips

Once again, when trying to decide between either nasal strips and a mouthpiece, it’s important to first determine which type of snorer you are. A mouthpiece is not going to be effective if you are a nasal snorer and vice versa.

Final Thoughts

Choosing a snoring solution is not always easy when there are so many to choose from. By first deciding which type of snorer you are, you can save time and money by purchasing the right product that will effectively solve your snoring problem. While there are many different types available solutions, mouthpieces, chinstraps and nasal dilators are the most popular. Of the three, the snoring mouthpiece is the most popular because they solve the most common source of snoring. They also have more clinical research backing them as an effective means to control snoring.

Even choosing a mouthpiece is not easy because there are over 30 different manufacturers to choose from.  This review website will help to take some of the guesswork out of choosing the right mouthpiece to meet your needs.

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