If you were to ask a dozen of my closest friends and family members “Who is the most frugal person that you know?” in all likelihood most, if not all, would respond “Bob!”. Yes, I’m that guy who wears the same clothes until they are riddled with holes before even considering a thrift store replacement. I save soap shavings, watch broadcast television, clip coupons, drive an old car, bring food to the movie theater (on the rare occasion that I actually pay for a ticket) and… Okay, you get the idea.
Being what most consider an “extreme cheapskate” and a self-proclaimed expert on anti-snoring devices, I figured that I would be the most qualified person to answer the question “Who sells the cheapest mouthpieces for snoring?”
The least expensive snoring mouthpiece options
The truth is when it comes to most products that we purchase it’s reasonable to say that the cheapest product will usually get the job done. This is especially true if you only plan to use the product on occasion or perhaps just once. In such cases, it only makes sense to go with the least expensive option.
When initially introduced to anti-snoring mouthpieces my quest was to find the cheapest device and give it a try. There were a handful of websites that were selling these devices for as little as $5 shipped including:
Personal experience buying “cheap”
I ended up ordering 2 devices, one from eBay and the other from Amazon at a combined total cost of $17 including shipping. Both products arrived around the same time and both were unbranded with ambiguous instructions which were written in broken English.

This commonly found inexpensive device does not advance the jaw
While marketed as a “mouthguard for snoring”, one of these products was actually a teeth grinding night guard which does not offer a jaw advancement feature. Mouthguards that prevent snoring all work using the same principle – by holding the lower jaw slightly forward, widening and clearing the airway. Because of their function, they are also known as Mandibular Advancement Devices. Without advancement, they offer no benefit when it comes to preventing snoring. Many people mistakenly believe that anti-snoring mouth devices, sports mouthguards, and teeth grinding guards are all one and the same. While they may appear similar in nature on the surface, each product varies slightly in design and function. You can read more about the difference between each type of device.

An example of a cheap no-name device
I acquired the second device at a total cost of $5 and it left me with more questions than answers. The first item of concern was the smell of the product. It had a strong chemical/plastic odor that was impossible to ignore. The product packaging contained limited instructions and offered absolutely no information on the company who produced it or the type of plastics used in production. For all, I know it may have been produced in a third-world country from melted down shoe rubber. When asked, the seller was unable to provide any specific information on this product.
Typically, the unknown nature of such a product would not concern for me. However, it’s important to understand that a snoring device will be inserted into your body for 8-10 hours per night, every night. As for mass-produced mystery devices, there is a huge potential for chemicals in the plastic to leach out or possible safety concerns such as choking. Ultimately, I decided to pass on both devices for the mentioned reasons. While never used, both sellers would not accept a return because it was a personal product.
5 tips for buying inexpensive mouthguards for snoring
I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and purchase from a reputable manufacturer who was more transparent with their product. Since doing so I have not encountered any quality issues or received any mysterious devices in the mail. I understand that there are some who are willing to accept the risks of buying such a device. To these people, I offer a few words of advice when looking for an inexpensive snoring mouthpiece:
- Only buy a device if it’s labeled as Bisphenol A (BPA) free. While there is a bit of debate surrounding the use of BPA in products, it’s best to steer clear of devices which contain these potentially harmful compounds. Do your homework and ensure that the device in question is not intentionally mislabeled as “BPA Free”.
- Trust devices that have been approved by a regulatory agency such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), or the Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD). In order to be approved, the device must meet certain safety standards and in most cases, the type of materials used must be disclosed. Once again, do your homework. If an FDA # is provided, double check with the FDA website to ensure that you are dealing with the same product being described by the seller.
- Avoid no-name devices. There is a popular style of mouthpiece being mass produced in countries such as China. These devices are not branded and are often sold for $5 or less. When marketed with a simple name such as “Anti-snoring Mouthpiece” or something similar, you can be assured that you are dealing with a product that has been cheaply produced and likely contains inferior and potentially toxic materials.
- Know what you are buying. There are multiple stop snoring devices currently being sold on eBay and Amazon that actually are sport mouthguards and will not stop snoring. Remember, stop snoring mouthguards have a lower tray that extends beyond the upper teeth. Without advancement, you will still experience snoring. Read the feedback received from buyers. Many will note if they received a night guard for teeth grinding or sports guard instead of one made for snoring.
- While not necessary, select a manufacturer who offers proof of clinical studies. Those who are willing to go the extra mile and conduct clinical trials are likely a more reputable source. While only a handful of manufacturers have actually taken this extra step, it can be a strong indicator of quality.
Overall thought on taking the less expensive route
While it’s easy to skimp on many products that we purchase every day, in my opinion, an anti-snoring mouthguard should not be on this list. In this particular instance, you typically get what you pay for meaning that a non-toxic, government approved device that is safe to use will cost you more than $5-$10. I have created a helpful resource that allows you to compare several stop snoring products that are popular and generally safe to use.
As always, I’m in search of cheap alternatives but have yet to come across any that I feel safe using. If you have discovered an inexpensive snoring product that meets the above criteria I invite you to share your experience. Please leave a comment below.
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